Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hard Core Metal Love Songs


"He opened his eyes, he could see perfectly fluffy clouds moved
lazy ... I could feel like the sun warmed my face.

Where was I?

A deafening silence around me ... and then I realized I could not remember ...
In my hand clenched tightly, almost desperately, a yellow button, which of course, did not belong to anything you wear. "

A new state of consciousness? A new sensation? A myriad of new sensations little crowded into my interior and it was impossible to measure, translate. I do not know if I was happy in that silent moment ... Perhaps the best word to describe me was new. That is, I felt new, but something happened, something that had lived my mind did not come to glimpse from the memory.

I felt more relaxed breathing, decided to get up and change my face in surprise at a more inquisitive, I decided to walk to find something that sounded to me known, or find a friendly face, a good coffee in a place open and crowded. But I knew my answer right hand had fastened securely. That button would take me to where he longed to reach.

I walked for a few minutes to a small square, which was bereft of a brief company terrace. Without knowing why I sat in one of their tables. My head kept spinning the origin of that button. Needed to rest a few seconds and let the memories would flow by themselves. Only then could remember who he was and how it got there.

Very attentive waiter, a man who touched my view and the desired age of retirement, I served coffee buns accompanied by courtesy of the house. Savor every morsel as if the first meal in days and maybe it was. Me mad and I especially scary not knowing anything about me that was not this I was living. Nstintivamente began to cool and got my hands in the pockets of my jacket. I noticed something strange about one of them. A card? I was sliding slowly outward concern so that she had written. Once outside, I left on the table. What if he really did not want to know that was what had brought me to this place and this situation?

After a moment of indecision picked it up and read it. The memories flowed through my memory so that he could barely hold them. I remembered soundproof, white coats and all the electrical discharge. I lifted the sleeve of my jacket and I could see the stitches in my arms and burning of the electrodes that day I placed the "doctors" that my family had hired to currar my illness. Now he perfectly remembered everything that had happened. That

mañana, como cada día, el doctor Quintero y una de sus enfermeras habían entrado en mi habitación con la dosis diaria de tranquilizantes y barbitúricos, esperando encontrarme aún somnoliento por la toma nocturna. ¡qué equivocados estaban!

Sin darles tiempo a reaccionar salté de la cama y con mi brazo derecho abofeteé a la enfermera que inconsciente cayó al suelo golpeándose la cabeza contra uno de los cajones de la mesilla. Por el charco de sangre juraría haberla matado. Fuera de combate la presa más débil salté loco de ira sobre el doctor que forcejeando intentó zafarse de mi ataque pero su final fue el mismo que el de su compañera. Una vez comprobé que estaba muerto lo undressed and put on his clothes. Could not escape from the asylum dressed in her nightgown. Do not come or the end of the corridor. I left my room and started walking at a pace that without attracting too much attention to me out of there as soon as possible, but Sophie came out of nowhere and grabbed my arm. I held her neck and pushed us got into one of the electroshock room. I hit her again and again against the wall, at which time I inadvertently pulled one of its buttons. The power of my hand. It was the blouse in Sofia. She was the only one who had believed in me and I loved, but now she was dead. What if my parents really were right and I'm crazy?

put it back into my pocket and the card button. I paid for the coffee and left. If my memories were true and not a product of schizophrenia, the police would be looking for me. I fled. A new life had opened before me if he could slip away, I still do not know if I deserve it or not. Seo


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