Friday, February 19, 2010

Mount And Blade Increase 32

Various news agencies have confirmed that a group of researchers at the Cracow Institute of Technology has successfully completed studies have been carried out guided by the desire to demonstrate, using a methodology science, the existence of the Demiurge of Creation that would have arisen. To that end, Polish scientists have been scanning the area for years using the advanced technology telescopes are installed in the observatory of the Estonian city of Tallinn.

After nearly five years of painstaking dedication, the research team has managed to find signs that confirm, indeed, the existence of the Divine. It seems that in the course of their observations, the scientists have identified the tracks left by the feet of the Demiurge, during one of his walks, to a certain hill in one of the stars of Orion's belt. So, finally, science has been able to prove that what theology says is true: there is Divinity.

In a press conference held on November 24, scientists have made it clear, moreover, that all suggests that it is true that the Demiurge would create the world in six days and decided to rest the seventh day. It seems that what would really happened is that the last day of the Demiurge, no doubt tired from work, have left their work on hold. It appears, in short, that something had enough of the Creation, I would have left things half done.
This would explain, according to scientists Poles, the remarkable inconsistencies are detected easily on our planet. So with the human species, which can be seen as different attitudes men and women have to such basic questions as, for example-love. According to the researchers, certain Details credited to our species still has a last "boiling." "Not so strange, we quote literally, that women always dream of men who love them, while men are eager to make them risky sexual exercises, which often occur in the bodies of the actors frequent injuries or strains.

During the investigation, Polish scientists have also noticed that quite often, with his watchful eye, would have crossed the skies some "things" like stars shooting but at the end, have proven to be fallen angels. After long days search of these celestial beings, some of whom had taken refuge in the sewer system of Krakow, researchers have been able to interview some of them, which would even have photographed and cataloged. These angels would have said-we-informed sources that all the imbalances that exist in the universe that we can feel on our planet, are those who have advised them to flee the kingdom of heaven and "let down" by the Earth.

- "God is still a teenager, would have said one of the angels, and sometimes does things that no one understands ..."

- "Maybe someday , Reportedly said another, "when it matures a bit, things will get better ..." --------------------------------


In this "story" we wanted to show our concern about issues that are certainly disturbing: the imbalances evident in the created world, the impression is one that God would have made things "half done", the different sensitivity in women and men ... We hope the casual tone of the story is worth its merits by the reader: this is, after all, a simple story.



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