Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Does Malox Cause Green Black Stools

Utopian Dream

highlight the news today, the commemoration the fall of that terrifying wall, which separated for years, thousands of people. Some members of a same family. Beings who loved each other through the stones built by brains destroyed.

No longer a cruel paradox that man is capable of building big things, the pair have the coolness needed to break away from them and destroy them if necessary and without delay. Nothing can

sense of shame, with enormous desire for power, for example. Or those feelings that seem obsolete, and that certainly should reign in this world we live hopeless.

love, tenderness, friendship, companionship ...
They stopped
prevail for some time, apparently.

But this party to remember that majestic moment of breaking down what at first seemed impossible to see fall miserably is marred by many other walls still stand, and with which all seem to be in full agreement. We can still observe

laconically seems to be the insurmountable wall of slavery, standing proud in economically weak.

Or that other wall, which prevents more or less successful, unwanted persons, crossing borders of countries with better living conditions.

Fences, barbed wire, stones, guns ...

Anything goes, if this is achieved deter others from crossing the invisible line that divides some other places.

death and destruction, still prevail widely in many places, in the form of wall. Shameful walls, where the silent voices of all, protected.

may not be, or not wanting to be, would be more correct to say. But it's eyes are already writing this article today, will remain with impunity for those who get rich at their expense.

is terrible silence surrounding certain issues kickers heart. Those, who's known in its own meat, would move more established the foundations of our soul. However

; stay away from our hands, our conservative mind of material goods and comforts more or less stable.

Turn the TV and see those walls, it is not felt. Is not synonymous with vertigo, since they do not fall into the abyss of guilt, that should paralyze us, or rather, mobilize together to shoot them down one by one, with blows of solidarity and altruism.

Have I talked about solidarity and altruism?

I am regretful for having been caught up in the moment, because we know too well that these feelings are in short supply today, though, that still exist and are housed in the body of many pits. Many things that make us not to lose hope, one day to celebrate, not the toppling of a wall.

But the nonexistence of any.


to the news may have utopian dreams, believe me.



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