Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Croscill Pattern Archives

Best Coast - Crazy For You (2010)

  1. "The Suburbs"
  2. "Ready to Start"
  3. "Modern Man"
  4. "Rococo"
  5. "Empty Room"
  6. "City With No Children "
  7. " Half Light I "
  8. " Half Light II (No Celebration) "
  9. " Suburban War "
  10. " Month of May "
  11. " Wasted Hours "
" Deep Blue "
" We Used to Wait " " Sprawl I (Flatland) " " Sprawl II (Beyond Mountains Mountains) "
" The Suburbs (Continued) "
We have removed the links repeatedly threatened to close the blog and do not have anything in Spotify.
Arcade Fire, welcome to the XXI century ... ¬ ¬
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By Camilo Collado:
is difficult at this point to talk about Arcade Fire without falling into the stereotypes that the media repeats endlessly. But it's true, Arcade Fire are La Banda. personal tastes aside and not think they are too bienqueridos criticized by the public and no doubt they are the evolution logic of the XXI century music should play at this point. A gang epic, apocalyptic way, that mother of the great figures of American rock but still gives a European feel, which represent modernity
musical and despite being outside the mainstream and can be considered within the ground "indie" (label they detest) move masses and giant legions of fans across the globe.
  1. In the U.S. and UK has managed to position two weeks at the top of sales, and that for a disc of these features if that is truly epic. It is difficult to judge an album of this caliber. Some will burn them by his flirtation with electronics (which meet in a subtle way) or who are definitely on the backs of a group that is taken too seriously, but The Suburbs, if you get to read the significance of their message and are left prejudices aside, instantly becomes the best album of the year and best performance here in a long time.
  2. Myspace


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